A shop born from the desire to be able to find otherwise unobtainable plants in Europe.

Lo scrigno di nebbia was born from an inalienable longing for botanical species of orchids that are rare or unobtainable in Europe.

With the spirit of a botanical orchid hunter of the late 1700s hired by English nobles, I set out in search of the coveted orchids right in their places of origin, South America.

“I felt the same thrill as those hunters at the sight of the first Cattleya species, so perfect that they seem like plants never seen before – an embodiment of pure beauty and admirable perfection”.

The company’s logo is also inspired by this dreamlike journey back in time. It pictures in a minimalist way the very moment in which the first seekers saw, through a telescope aimed at the peaks crowned with fog, a jewel of nature entered by chance a large-flowered Cattleya that stands out as the undisputed queen in her reign of mist.

This same emotion is what lo scrigno di nebbia wants to arouse in orchidophiles and collectors who wish to add rare botanical species and rare orchids of excellent quality to their personal collection.

To remain faithful to my dream, I import only from the very best nurseries and exclusively the best clones, to guarantee excellent quality and a precise correspondence with what was purchased: all the photographs come in fact from the original nurseries of the plants, to guarantee – as far as possible, if it is not a division – a bloom identical to what is shown in the photos themselves.

Among the jewels you can purchase from us you can find botanical species of Cattleya including C. warscewiczii, C. labiata, C. dowiana, C. dowiana rosita, C. lueddemanniana, C. mossiae, C. gaskelliana, but also Stanhopea platyceras, Stanhopea grandiflora, Peristeria elata, Catasetum fimbriatum, Catasetum cernum and much more. The variety of species you will find here is always expanding and constantly updating.

For any doubt, information, or request, do not hesitate to contact me by sending an email to info@loscrignodinebbia.com or a Whatsapp message to +393336141422; I’ll be happy to help you.

Thank you for visiting the shop and I wish you

happy orchid hunting!


Viviana Lorenzini

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